The Internet Goldmine

Business 2.0: The second Internet boom is quietly taking shape — and this one looks like it’s going to last. Here’s how six innovative businesses learned from the past and have begun to make the Web work for them. How to Make Money on the Net [Business 2.0]

Personal E-tailers

BusinessWeek: Remember when the ultimate in personalizing a gift was adding a monogram? Today inscribing initials on luggage or towels seems quaintly old-fashioned compared to what’s available on the Web. Thanks to improvements in software that display customized goods online, guide users through the selection process, and automate production, individualizing a gift has gotten far more sophisticated — and, dare […]

Broadband Helping E-commerce

The New York Times: Thanks to the breakneck growth of residential cable modem and D.S.L. services, this is the first year when most Internet users do not have to rely on their workplace for high-speed connections. Instead of hiding the Amazon checkout page when the boss approaches, more shoppers are logging on after work and sparing their nerves. As a […]

Second-hand = Cool and Trendy!

The Indianapolis Star: Bargain hunters such as Harmon are making resale stores one of the fastest-growing segments in retailing, according to the National Association of Resale & Thrift Shops, a trade organization. These stores no longer are dingy places where shoppers on shoestring budgets sift through mountains of musty-smelling clothes and junk to find one valuable item. Most resale stores […]

Marketing, research and development efforts

Influx: For sometime, there’s been something of a gap between the technical nature of skateboarding and the sophistication of skate shoes; most skate shoes have incredibly simple designs, they are almost anti-science and technology. With the recent success of Nike in the category, a company who put the science into footwear, other manufacturers have been forced to adapt to the […]


Popgadget: Frequent travelers who don’t want to do laundry in the sink or pay for expensive hotel laundry services can just take along several packs of OneDerWear disposable underwear. OneDearWear is 100% cotton, 100% biodegradable, and comes in several styles for men and women, from boxers to thongs. The fabric is very thin, so they won’t last through more than […]

Apple Mini Stores

Although the idea of opening retail stores where customers can walk through the various products on sale and try them out is not new, the news of Apple opening ‘mini-stores’, each of which is roughly half the size of Apple’s common retail outlets, is worth noting. Half the products available in these ‘mini-stores’ will be iPod-related, and the other half […]

E-Shopping, With a Personal Touch!

Target Corp. has launched a service called ‘Target To a T‘ (which will be available online through its Web site, that uses computers to customize clothing for its customers. A request for shoppers’ measurements, shapes, size, preferred style and color can be easily made online. The information gathered will be then used to help customize selected Target brand clothes. […]

Experience Samsung Here

Where else to experience Samsung but The Samsung Experience, a remarkable 10,000-square-foot interactive emporium of virtual reality experiences and technology in New York City? The recently opened Samsung Experience is not a store but a paradise where visitors are invited to relax and learn how the latest devices from Samsung can enrich their lives. Entry is free, and visitors can […]

Pay By Touch

How would it be like to shop in a supermarket without bringing your wallet along? A supermarket in San Francisco (USA), Pick n’ Save Metro Market, has recently joined the growing walletless world by introducing its customers to Pay By Touch, a new payment service that lets users purchase groceries with the touch of a finger. The one-time Pay By […]