Experience Samsung Here

Where else to experience Samsung but The Samsung Experience, a remarkable 10,000-square-foot interactive emporium of virtual reality experiences and technology in New York City?
The recently opened Samsung Experience is not a store but a paradise where visitors are invited to relax and learn how the latest devices from Samsung can enrich their lives. Entry is free, and visitors can try out the latest offerings from Samsung here. Upon entering the Samsung Experience, visitors can be immediately ‘wowed’ by the many fascinating experiences. Islands of giant rotating LCD screens, each holding visual segments of an interconnected virtual world, greet them as they enter the big complex. Also: images embedded in the venue’s giant interactive map of New York City can be transferred to customize postcards and create personalized artwork!

Of course, the star attraction of The Samsung Experience must be the many high-tech gadgets and devices that visitors can try out. Visitors will also be able to use MP3 players to download songs off Napster to CDs, download ring tones to their cell phones, check out the fruits of Samsung’s R&D and design revolution, including advanced cell phones with video recording, high-resolution photography and gaming features never before seen, and more.
Samsung will also pioneer an innovative loaner program. Visitors to the Samsung Experience will be able to take a hard-disk based camcorder with them to shoot video around New York City. Once they return, they can edit the footage at kiosks inside the Experience, burn their movies onto DVDs, and return home with a digital souvenir.

Let’s Get Down To Business…
CoolBusinessIdeas.com feels that this is an effective way to build brand awareness and promote a premium, high-tech cachet for Samsung. Indeed, the venue serves as a great educational resource, communicating the life-enhancing benefits of digital technology without the pressures of a sales environment. A learning point for any company: be sure to allow potential customers to engage in hands-on product encounters!
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