Wing Women

Iconoculture: With a wing woman, aspiring players get by with some help from their lady friends – even if they don’t have any. Wing women put a fresh spin on escort services by giving guys nights out with foxy fairy godmothers. The catch? WW don’t date clients – they help them find dates. A feminine take on the “Wing Man,” these pickup chicks go out with guys masquerading as friends or coworkers. When Romeo spots prospects, his WW divebombs, striking up girl-girl chats peppered with anecdotes about how her “love-him-like-a-brother” pal “rescued my kitten” or “just got promoted.” Then Prince Charming swoops in and scores easy digits.
Since WW’s 2003 NYC launch, Wing Women has racked up 100 clients and 25 wing women (New York-WABC 7.3.04). And while it may seem a service to help the inept connect (like Geek Boy Services), founder Shane Forbes also sees efficiency as a draw. Established professional men just don’t have as much time to cruise and want a performance edge. Wing women are $50 an hour, but most men agree: Foolproof pickup artists are priceless.
The Lady Is A Temp [Iconoculture]

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