Transformer Bike

Springwise: With gas prices a topic of urgent concern, it’s no wonder bicycle-related innovations are coming fast and furious. One of the latest we’ve spotted is the Zigo Leader, a bicycle that’s easily convertible into several different forms.
Much like the Danish trioBike, which we covered a while back, the Zigo Leader can be easily converted into any of four different modes: stand-alone bicycle; bicycle with front-attached kid trailer; jogging stroller; and traditional stroller. Converting from one mode to another is simply a matter of swivelling casters and attaching or detaching the “child pod” trailer, and can be done in 30 seconds or less, Zigo says. The vehicle also folds easily for storage. Priced at USD 1,349, the Zigo Leader will be available in August direct from the New Jersey-based company or through a network of dealers including bicycle shops and baby stores.

Convertible bicycle serves multiple needs [Springwise]

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