Nerd is the New In for Men’s Fashion Now that the cool-guy uniform – skinny jeans, layered T-shirt, tailored vest and stylish scarf, all in shades of gray and black – has reached every mall in the country, the trendsetters who started it have moved on. And they’re going somewhere that few others can: They’re going geek chic. This means adopting pieces that can be downright nerdy […]

Cocoa Sniffer

Popgadget: Love chocolate but want to lose weight? Or just like the idea of inhalable food? Then the Le Whif (no, really) chocolate inhaler could be the answer to your prayers. Described as “akin to sucking a tiny bit of cocoa powder through a straw” (and who doesn’t want to do that?) the Le Whif gives flavor with next to […]

Farm Stays Becoming a Hit

Springwise: Feather Down Farms are small-scale, working farms that offer cottage-style tents with “traditional interiors” including feather beds, wood-burning stoves and flushing toilets. A far cry from a rustic tent, the spacious accommodations feature master and bunk bedrooms along with an extra canopy bed—sleeping up to 6 in all. There is no electricity in Feather Down tents, but oil lamps […]

The Coolerado

Mortgage Daily News: A Colorado air conditioning manufacturer is making news with a product line that might revolutionize how Americans cool their homes and businesses. Coolerado Corporation based in Denver has developed air conditioners based on the Maisotsenko Cycle (M-Cycle) which it describes as a “newly developed” thermodynamic process. Two of the advantages Coolerado claims over traditional air conditioning: it […]

Are Carrots the new Caviar? In recent years, some forward-thinking chefs, who believe that personal expression and creativity are more important than slavish devotion to symbolic luxury goods, have abandoned the antiquated approach of haute cuisine, a style of cooking traditionally based on a few select ingredients. These forward-thinking chefs are seeking out the highest-quality ingredients, usually from their area, without regard to their […]

BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 86

Glowing Sofa Via Lattea is a striking change from traditional padded furniture and also a significant upgrade from your college room blow-up chair. Low wattage lights are placed inside the pieces to emit a glowing light. These recycled sofas…… Continued in BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 86 >>> – Ynot Plast – Plasters for Melanin-Rich Skins – Urban Transporters – New Meat, […]

Peepoo Bag

Springwise: It’s a sobering fact that a full 40 percent of the world’s population—some 2.6 billion people—lack regular access to a toilet. Add to that the fact that one child dies every 15 seconds from water contamination, and it’s not hard to see the motivation behind the Peepoo bag. One of the UN Millennium Development Goals, set in 2000, is […]

Street: Cosmopolitan Restaurant

Iconoculture: Well-known Los Angeles chef Susan Feniger has opened Street, a restaurant that takes its inspiration from street vendors from across the globe. The menu — a mix of small plates, medium-sized portions and proper entrées — features dishes from Singapore to India. Kaya toast, a common breakfast dish in Singapore, is two pieces of grilled white bread spread with […]

Beta Chocolate TCHO, the San Francisco based chocolatier, produces “beta editions” of its dark chocolate. Continuous flavor development and customer feedback mean that varieties are constantly evolving, with new versions emerging as often as every 36 hours. TCHO’s first version of chocolate recently came out of Beta (after 1,026 iterations) and is called Tcho 1.0. Last October, TCHO also opened its […]

Archaeology Adventure Camp

TrendCentral: Families looking for shared Indiana Jones-style adventure can get a taste of what it feels like to be on an excavation expedition at the Crow Canyon Colorado archaeology center. Program participants are taught the history and culture of the Pueblo Indians while also learning how to identify ancient artifacts and uncover telling clues of their existence. We expect to […]