The Coolerado

Mortgage Daily News: A Colorado air conditioning manufacturer is making news with a product line that might revolutionize how Americans cool their homes and businesses.
Coolerado Corporation based in Denver has developed air conditioners based on the Maisotsenko Cycle (M-Cycle) which it describes as a “newly developed” thermodynamic process.
Two of the advantages Coolerado claims over traditional air conditioning: it delivers fresh, filtered air from the outside rather than recirculating air, and it uses no potentially harmful refrigerants. However, if the manufacturer’s claims are correct, the process has two other huge advantages over conventional types of air conditioning.
First, it cools better. And the energy savings are staggering. A Coolerado system will cool the same space as the most efficient traditional AC system while using only 10 percent of the energy.
Coolerado is just getting off the ground and its products are currently available only through distributors in ten Western states.
Colorado Company Markets Cool New Product [Mortgage Daily News]

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