The Displax Interactive Window

photo_blog_displax.jpg Displax® projects itself in a transparent, holographic display, with high definition, visible at daylight, captures the customers attention, bonds with the reality of the business of any kind of organization and has customized sizes, witch allows its placement in window stores of banks or telecommunications store, with the certainty that, whoever passes by, will not be indifferent to it. It has a great impact!
Displax® – Interactive window will be released in three versions. Displax® Interactive is the solution that allows people to interact with a projected multimedia application, just pressing the display with a finger. Displax® – Network allows managing displays placed in any location of the world, in a remote and central way. Displax® – Show allows you to present, in an innovative way, the products in a display, set in a window-store or inside the shop.
Who can use Displax® – Interactive window ?
Banks, Car Show-Rooms, Telecommunications, Shopping Centers, Fairs and Exhibits, Travel Agencies, Museums, Theatres…

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2 thoughts on “The Displax Interactive Window

  1. I can see a Displax Screen in Barcelona (Spain), I think that this open a new market option, I believe that in a few years this system has implemented around the world. The company that implement this systems in Spain is Showlutions,, I think

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