Skeleton Fork

CoolBuzz: So are you a fan of the creepy crawlies? If yes, then I suggest you go and pick up one of the Skeleton forks. These shiny silver coloured salad accessories look real cute. It certainly is going to be quite a sight when you toss salad or take a chunk out of the Turkey with those slender bony fingers. You really got to see it to believe it. Ideal for Halloween or any other special occasion, as this serving set is bound to grab a lot of attention. In case you plan to spook some of your friends then the Skeleton fork is also ideal for gifting at $49.95.
The creepy ‘Skeleton’ silverware [CoolBuzz]

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1 thought on “Skeleton Fork

  1. Wow, those are cool looking. I went to site and they are shown as sold out. I can see why, what a unique and creepy item!

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