Shipping Container Modular House

Shipping Container Modular House

The COMMOD House by ContainMe! is a 100% recyclable modular house made from repurposed shipping containers. The modern home can grow or shrink according to its residents’ needs, it features a low energy footprint, and it’s made form healthy, low-voc materials like clay, wood, cellulose and steel.

Modular Modern COMMOD House is Made From Recycled Shipping Containers [Inhabitat]

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1 thought on “Shipping Container Modular House

  1. The advantages of using shipping containers as your construction building blocks include:

    They are inexpensive. A used container will cost between $800 and $6000 each, depending on size, age, condition and distance from the building site. Each 40 foot container gives you 320 square feet. .

    Energy concerns. It takes far less energy to reuse shipping containers in a building than to melt them down and reform then into steel beams. Add solar panels and even the ongoing energy use will be green.

    Examples of plans can be found HERE-

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