Quirky Inventions

Quirky is a social product development site that gathers product ideas from anyone that has one and based on the community feedback and staff evaluation transforms ideas per week into actual products. It’s a simple way for those who have a lot of ideas but don’t have the right connections to manufacture a product. Like Quirky likes to say, they make invention accessible.

Idea contributed by Adrian Panghe. Thanks!

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3 thoughts on “Quirky Inventions

  1. Congratulations Mophie, Quirky and Cluster!

    It sounds like the KickStarter.com model – a great marketplace/opportunity for new designs/products/services to get a boost.

    This is a hopeful trend, putting the focus back on the individual creativity (Intellectual Property), recognizing the community need to participate and feedback to the “producer” and becoming Toffler’s Prosumers.

    Thanks to the Venture Capital folks for their structured evaluations and quanitifications for controlled growth – we can do it ourselves now! ;-D

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