Paper Toys

papertoy.jpg Looking for a gift for Dad? How about a gift that’s cool, appeals to Dad’s “gotta build” instinct and is free!
Go take a look at, where you’ll find templates and instructions to print, cut out, fold and glue paper models of everything from the Eiffel Tower to a Tyrannosaurus rex.
But wait, since Dad’s a car guy, you and he can also enjoy some quality time together assembling a Chrysler PT Cruiser, a DeLorean, a Hummer, a Mercedes-Benz 320 SL, a Volkswagen Beetle (new or old) and more.
The Porsche 911 took us about an hour to produce. It has a 2.125-inch wheelbase and a pretty rigid chassis, considering that it’s made of, you know, paper.
New wrinkle on a Father’s Day gift []

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4 thoughts on “Paper Toys

  1. What I like about this idea is that the kids can be involved in putting the together, there is team work and a great reward – the toy!

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