Ice Bullets

UberReview: The AK Ice Cube Tray allows you to produce 10 ice bullets that look pretty much the same as the real thing (except that they are made out of ice not brass). As a bonus, the tray itself looks like the magazine from an AK-47.

I’m impressed, though I think that Think Geek might be mistaken in stating that the ice bullets are “6.5mm long” (either that or their wrinkly-fingered hand model has really tiny hands) – maybe they are referring to the actual bullet and not the casing.

Bullet-Shaped Ice Cubes Will Make Your Drink Look Better [UberReview]

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1 thought on “Ice Bullets

  1. 6.5mm would normally be the calibre of the bullet, the circumference of the projectile. 6.5mm is not a standard calibre so I guess that these are scaled down models from the 7.6mm that an AK-47 would normally fire.

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