Foldable Wooden Shelf

Foldable Wooden Shelf

Reminiscent of a compressible paper model, the ‘stockwerk’ shelf by german designer meike harde appears to negate its material properties. the solid wood structure becomes a foldable object due to cuts in its side walls, which act as an alternative to plug and screw connections. needing no assembly itself, the piece is delivered as a flat-pack item, ready to be pulled into shape. the sides are split, mitered and fixed using piano hinges, creating a system that is fully linked together. the final height of the shelf is customizable, as some compartments can stay closed accordingly. quick to install, the foldable nature of the furniture also makes it easy to transport.

meike harde unfolds the wooden stockwerk shelf  [Design Boom]

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1 thought on “Foldable Wooden Shelf

  1. Pls how much does it cost and does it come in big sizes and can it carry much load?

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