Boxed Water Cartons

TrendCentral: Calling themselves “part sustainable water company, part art project, part philanthropic project, and completely curious,” Boxed Water Is Better designed a carton made from 85% responsibly harvested trees – far more eco-friendly than typical plastic bottles. In addition to being made from green materials, the cartons are shipped flat to filling facilities, saving money and energy. After consumers’ thirst is quenched, cartons can be broken down and recycled at Carton Council facilities nationwide. Moreover, the company plans to donate 20% of its profits to support clean water and forest conservation organizations.

Eco-friendly product packaging continues to grow [TrendCentral]

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2 thoughts on “Boxed Water Cartons

  1. Weird. I don’t see this replacing water bottles though. I drink like 10 bottled waters a day or more. I also prefer them in the bottle rather than in a glass. I don’t see this taking off too far.

  2. I am interested to the idea of boxed water. Is it already out in the market? Where? how about in other country? I want to know more about it. thanks.

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