Automatic Sliding Doors For Pets

Smart home devices are getting crazy these days. It’s not just video doorbells and IoT security cameras anymore. Now that all the low-hanging fruit has been plucked, we’re moving beyond the era of smart plugs, smoke detectors, appliances, and other staples of the home. Nowadays, designers are dreaming up smart home gear and gadgetry that never existed in analog form. The latest example of this trend is Wayzn: a ridiculous, super-niche, internet-connected door opener for your pets.

Here’s how it works. You start by installing the piston-like device on the base of your sliding door, and attaching it to the door that moves. Once activated, Wayzn will then use its built-in sensors to detect when your pet is standing near the door and waiting to be let outside. It will then send you an alert through the accompanying smartphone app. Tap the button, and the device’s motors will kick in, pulling the door open and freeing your furry friend from the house. It’s essentially an alternative to installing a doggie door.

Wayzn — semi-automatic door opener for pets [Digital Trends] 

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