All-in-one Online Marketing Platform Business Idea by GetResponse

GetResponse is the easiest email marketing one stop service platform to all businesses. GetResponse, being an expert in the email marketing field, includes new capabilities such as Marketing Automation tool serving as an “all in one online marketing platform”.

GetResponse’sall-in-one online marketing platform business idea offers plenty of advanced online and email marketing features with ease of use, and seamlessly integrates all these into a single platform. At affordable pricing too – offering value for money.

1. Ease of Useand Simplicity

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A. Marketing Automation

With this marketing automation business idea from GetResponse, business heads and start ups are able to plan, design and build the most complex campaigns to track website visitors, potential leads, and successful conversions. One can study such user experience and create powerful workflows.

B. Email Marketing

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With user friendly functions, one can create creative email templates paired with best quality photos. The editor allows limitless options to perfect the pictures. Smart image editing: scale, resize, crop, and more can all be done inside your draft. It helps to save enormous amount of time with pre-designed layouts yet allows one to customise accordingly to his or her liking to attract and impress recipients.

If you have newsletter subscribers from all over the world, this feature will be helpful for you to run your campaign tightly. Automate the sending with Time Travel option and recipients can receive the emails while you are attending to other tasks.

C. Landing Page Builder

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Landing pages are powerful for marketers and business owners. An effective landing page converts a potential lead into an actual customer. With GetReponse’s Landing Page Builder, you can build effective landing pages with ease. With the availability of more than 100 professional landing page templates to choose from, one does not require sophisticated IT skills to build the most mobile-friendly landing page to attract and convert potential customer into successful lead.

Feeling unsure of which design is the best-performing? GetReponse allows you to track and compare page stats with A/B testing to bring the best performance for your business and reach out the your target audience in the most effective and attractive web design.

D. Auto Responder

Turn your leads into customers with smarter automated follow-ups with the Auto Responder 2.0 tool under the GetResponse platform. Automatic responses catered to your subscribers’ needs are also available. It can remember birthdays and other important dates so that subscribers will feel more personalise, giving an edge over commercialised competitors.

E. Webinar Tool

What goes well with your online marketing tool? A webinar tool, according to GetResponse. GetResponse is one of the first email services to engage customers with webinars. Tell your story and keep your customers engaged is one of the surest methods to improve customers’ satisfaction. Simply enable registrations and start collecting new leads.

2. One Stop Marketing Service Platform Business Idea

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GetResponse’s all-in-one online marketing platform business idea offers aworld class landing page builder, email marketing, auto responder and webinar tool, all packed into one platform. This makes it ideal for small and medium businesses and enterprises that wish to have all thesepower-packed features all under one roof, saving both time and money.

Beyond the many features, what is most important is that GetResponse is basically bringing marketing automation to the masses. Previously, such sophisticated platforms are costly and available to the big corporates at high cost. GetResponse has succeeded now in bringing this “enterprise” only tool open to any small business owner or entrepreneur, thereby empowering small and medium businesses and marketers.

With GetResponse Marketing Automation software you can secure more customers by creating a user friendly and enjoyable marketing platform to engage customers. At the same time, Marketing Automation allows one to have more specific achievable targets as tools available allow one to refine and improve to address objectives and meet KPIs.

3.Affordability and Best Value for Money

GetResponse’s pricing is much more affordable than other competitors, making it very “value for money” for online marketers.The most popular pricing plan is the “Pro” Plan at $49 per month, and is catered for growth-focusedmarketers and small and medium businesses

Not sure which plan is right for you? You can try out 1 month free with no strings attached.

New Business Idea Offering Value for Marketers

GetResponse’s all-in-one online marketing platform business idea allows you to create and organize automated marketing communications to generate measurable results and help you get the most out of your marketing efforts. With the all-under-one-roof features, this new business idea breaks out of the mould of the traditional email marketing tools offered by competitors, and brings value to all marketers both big and small.

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2 thoughts on “All-in-one Online Marketing Platform Business Idea by GetResponse

  1. Sounds like a great solution to many marketing problems. Thanks for the recommendation. GetResponse’s marketing automation sounds user-friendly. Is there a free trial?

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