Clubs for Tweeters

TechCrunch: While Twitter is an incredible platform for tapping into the conversations that are taking place on the web, the real-time stream can be crowded. It’s hard to keep track of back-and-forth communication between users or to keep track of subject-related Tweets based on hashtags. Recently launched TweeterClubs aims to create a real-time conversation around the Tweets that are broadcast […]

Ritmo: iPod for Babies

RitmoTM – Pregnancy App from Nuvo Group LTD on Vimeo. Extensive scientific research shows numerous positive contributions of music to human fetal development. The Ritmo Advanced Sound System by Nuvo is the most advanced and complete prenatal music player, delivering quality and safe sound to the tiniest listeners. Ritmo allows you and your baby to share the sensory and emotional […]

‘You and Me’ Clock The you and me wall clock is great for couples in a long distance relationship. Keeping track of each others time is the key to make a relationship work in such cases and the ‘You and me wall clock’ is only helping as it keeps track of other time zones too. This clock comes with a total of 6 […]

Novelty Pop-up Placemats

Babygadget: Sometimes it feels like we’ll do anything to amuse our children at mealtimes, in the interest of getting ourselves a little peace and quiet to enjoy the food. If you’ve exhausted the possibilities of novelty plates, cutlery, and all the rest of it, it could be time you invested in some pop-up jungle placemats. The little paper fellows accompanying […]

Self Cleaning Coffee Table

Born Rich: Considering the fact that we toss over our drinks one out of 10 times and that too when we are doing something important like playing a competitive game of Halo, we definitely need to think of a way to avoid our drink spilling on the floor couch. However, somebody has taken all the pain onto himself to save […]

Work from the Emperor Workstation

BornRich: While the $40,000 “Emperor 200” workstation is still fresh on every geek’s mind, the creative folks at Novel Quest did not wanted to rest on their past glory forever, and has been secretly working upon another deviation of the Emperor workstation, which is as luxurious as its predecessor but, comes for a far less price tag of $4,950!! The […]

Square Payment

Square is a mobile app that lets you start accepting payment cards immediately with no contracts, monthly fees, or hidden costs. With Square, you can read payment cards from any device with an audio input jack, including your mobile phone. Accepting payments has never been faster or more convenient. As a payer, you can also create a Square payer account […]

The Soft-Hearted Pillow, In Memory Of..

Until now, pet owners had a singular choice for preserving cremated remains; a solid, stationary urn to be positioned on a shelf, forever still. Now comes the Soft-Hearted Pillow, a supple huggable pillow that captures the love and tenderness that pet owners feel for their pets in a secure yet soft, embraceable, warm alternative. The Soft-Hearted Pillow offers bereaved pet […]

Dress Two Babies for Price of One

Too Lazy To Do It: Baby Teresa’s products are simple enough: they sell one-piece baby outfits in a variety of “funky” designs. What makes the Australian company interesting is its innovative business model, whenever someone buys one of the outfits, they are actually buying two, one of which goes to the buyer and the other which is donated to a […]

Hotel with Big Heart

TrendCentral: Of the multiple pairs of jeans hanging in your closet, how many do you actually wear? Now you can give the ones that are past their prime a second, better life by just packing them for your next trip to the Windy City. There, in downtown Chicago, the Burnham Hotel has launched its Casual Blue Campaign – an effort […]