Dress Two Babies for Price of One

Too Lazy To Do It: Baby Teresa’s products are simple enough: they sell one-piece baby outfits in a variety of “funky” designs. What makes the Australian company interesting is its innovative business model, whenever someone buys one of the outfits, they are actually buying two, one of which goes to the buyer and the other which is donated to a child in need somewhere around the world.
It’s a great way of doing business from both a commercial and social point of view. Commercially the company was sure to get loads of free, positive press, and good word of mouth. Baby Teresa is organized around it’s charitable activity, keeping track of where in the world the children to whom it gives are located, with the goal of giving to at least one child in every country in the world (judging from the map on the website, from its September launch it seems to have so far given mostly to children Australia and Africa).
Baby Outfits with a Charitable Business Model [Too Lazy To Do It]

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