BIZNESS! Newsletter Issue 73

The 3 Secrets Of Team Motivation Do you want a highly motivated team who don’t take time off work, don’t keep looking for other jobs and make a positive contribution to your business? If the answer is “yes,” then there are three steps you need to take with each member of your team. Step 1 – Spend some quality time. […]

Skeleton Fork

CoolBuzz: So are you a fan of the creepy crawlies? If yes, then I suggest you go and pick up one of the Skeleton forks. These shiny silver coloured salad accessories look real cute. It certainly is going to be quite a sight when you toss salad or take a chunk out of the Turkey with those slender bony fingers. […]

Spacious Garage

Crafting the finest in garage storage systems, Gorgeous Garage offers a multitude of efficient organization options for helping you keep your garage clean, neat and tidy. Gorgeous Garage can help you organize your garage in a vast number of ways to accommodate for all your changing needs. Gorgeous Garages’ garage storage systems help you reclaim your garage for what it […]

Out on the Streets with the GPS Treasure Hunt Game

Mission: Getting gamers to leave their basements & go outside. Sounds impossible? Well, have a little faith. The new gaming trend by UK company LocoMatrix, easily pushes gamers to get up, out & about with the mobile based ‘Treasure Hunt’ game. The gamer tracks his real life position using the map on his photo screen. He is given a specific […]

New Geothermal Technology

Inhabitat: On August 22nd, Raser Technologies and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson broke ground on New Mexico’s first geothermal power plant. Situated at Lightning Dock near Animas, the new plant will incorporate an innovative binary liquid technology that allows it to make use of the site’s low levels of geothermal energy. If more of these modular plants are built then […]

Attention Seeking Billboard

ADpunch: Diners might be shocked to find giant eggs on billboards outside McDonald’s. Its a new ad campaign by them with the help of Leo Burnett ad agency in Chicago. It has caught the attention of many people. The giant egg billboard starts cracking and opens up in the morning and by breakfast it is hatched, and later it remains […]

Checkpoint Flyer

Luxist: It may not be the most glamorous briefcase I’ve ever seen but the new Checkpoint Flyer Briefcase by Tom Bihn has one very important feature, it can slide through airport checkpoints with your Mac safely inside a sleeve, saving you the awkward fumble of taking out your computer, putting it into a bin and sending it through the chute […]