Can You Become a Digital Nomad?

“Digital nomad” has become a favorite buzzword over the past several years, thanks to the burgeoning trend of remote working and the universal desire to travel. But what exactly is a digital nomad? And can you become one if you have the right business? What Is a Digital Nomad? First, let’s define what a digital nomad is—and how it relates […]

Later High School Start Times Better?

In one of the most comprehensive studies to date examining teenage sleep patterns and high school start times, it’s been revealed that later starts increased sleep duration and improved overall attendance and grades. Our circadian rhythms dominate when our body wants us to eat, sleep and wake. Studies have shown that the onset of puberty dramatically alters an adolescent’s circadian […]

Tattoo Remover

Laser-based tattoo removal is typically a long process, often requiring 10 or more treatment sessions spread several weeks apart from one another. A new acoustic system, however, could reportedly allow for complete tattoo removal in as little as two to three closely-spaced sessions. Conventional systems utilize a laser beam to break up clusters of tattoo ink particles located beneath the […]

Soft Bodied Ski Helmet

Whether you call them beanies, tuques or simply wool hats, a lot of downhill skiers take the risk of wearing the things instead of helmets, as they’re so much more comfortable. Well, that’s why the ANTI Ordinary A1 was created. It’s usually soft and pliable, but hardens to protect the head upon impact. The A1 was developed by biomedical engineer Rob Joseph […]

First Lab Grown Steak

Israel-based startup Aleph Farms has just unveiled the world’s first lab-grown steak. This milestone on the road to bringing a cruelty-free meat product to the market demonstrates, for the first time, the technology’s ability to imitate the flavor, shape, texture and structure of a classic beef steak. Back in 2013, the first lab-grown burger was revealed to the general public. At the […]