3D’s Printer Unique Fingerprints

3D printers leave behind a type of “fingerprint” that can be used in tracing 3D-printed weapons through digital forensics, according to a joint-study released by university researchers in the US. Just as ballistics analysts can match a bullet to the gun that fired it by studying the markings on the bullet, so too can analysts look to the markings on […]

Creating More Micro Living Space

The containers vary in width and depth to accommodate a range of contents, including a double mattress, clothing and toiletries. The lid of each unit conceals its contents and doubles as a floor panel. Bruijn developed MoreFloor during her final year at Design Academy Eindhoven in response to her own cramped urban living conditions. “I had a small apartment in […]

Google Maps To Add Speed Limits For Users

Google has rolled out speed limits to Google Maps, two years after the long-awaited feature started testing in San Francisco and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The speed limit feature will show the maximum speed for the road that drivers are traversing in the lower left side of the app. Google Maps will also now display the locations of speed traps […]

Let Your Guests Connect With A Click

You know the scenario: A group of friends and family come to visit, and they all want to get on your Wi-Fi network, which means several tedious minutes of reading out the lengthy passcode for your network. That’s a problem that the new Wi-Fi Porter could solve. The dinky puck-shaped device uses NFC (Near Field Communications) – the same tech […]

UV-Emitting Water Bottle Cap Smite Microboes

Washing the inside of a reusable water bottle can be tricky, perhaps causing some people to wonder just how clean it actually is. Well, CrazyCap is designed to continuously kill microbes by replacing a bottle’s existing cap with one that shines ultraviolet light into the water. It can even be used to purify water that’s collected on the go. Developed […]

Drink Making “Cab”

It was six years ago that we first heard about Makr Shakr, a robotic bar that can reportedly mix one Googol (the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes) drink combinations. Now, its designers are planning on installing the tech in an autonomous vehicle that users can hail whenever they want a bevvy. Created by Italian design firm Carlo Ratti Associati […]

Detecting Anxiety & Depression Among Children

A fascinating study has demonstrated a new technique that can identify children with anxiety and depression just by analyzing their movements. Using a machine learning algorithm that examines movement tracked by a wearable motion sensor, the system is claimed to identify children with psychological disorders better, and faster, than many current methods. It is estimated that around 20 percent of […]

3D Printed Connected Bikes

It was a couple of years ago that Cerevo first unveiled its high-tech limited-edition Orbitrec road bike. Now, the Japanese consumer electronics manufacturer has announced pricing – the bike will cost you a whopping US$140,000, although that figure includes two return trips to Tokyo. So, what business does an electronics company have making a bicycle? Well, inside of its down […]