World’s Greenest Coffee Cup

TrendHunter: Eco-friendly dishware is becoming more and more prevalent in modern societies, yet Repurpose Compostables has managed to bring their green product to Bed Bath & Beyond, giving it a mainstream audience that similar products have yet to gain. Touted to have created the “world’s greenest coffee cup,” Repurpose Compostables focuses on plant-based mugs that are not only non-toxic, but are able to decompose in an astounding 90 days.

Based in Los Angeles, Repurpose Compostables’ insulated coffee cup is made from corn and uses soy based inks. With a single wall, it uses 65% less Co2 to manufacture, easily making it the least wasteful and most environmentally conscious cup currently on the market.

Plant-Based Coffee Cups [TrendHunter]

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