Urbatch Platform Teaches Crafting Of Sustainable Products

The modern home is full of all kinds of equipment and materials that can be used to create all kinds of products, but not everybody has the know-how to put the pieces together. Urbatch is a new platform designed to bring out the craftsperson in all of us, by connecting professionals with amateurs to turn locally-sourced ingredients into toothpastes, soaps and an assortment of other DIY delights.

Sustainability is at the heart of the Urbatch platform, which encourages doers and thinkers to shun mass produced goods in favor of household goods made with love, care and a community-minded spirit.

Professionals from different fields host instructional videos that take users through the process of turning locally-sourced ingredients into deodorants, hand sanitizers, fruit wines, spirits and beer. These tutorials are short, sharp and fun, offering an entertaining way to learn new skills, while also providing personalized recommendations and feedback along the way.

Professional teachers will be selected who have validated experience in their field and who meet effective communication requirements. Their courses will also include teas, sauces, ice creams, syrups, food flavorings, air fresheners and moisturizers, but the possibilities are endless with Urbatch’s catalog of courses set to keep expanding over time.

Most will only involve equipment and materials that students could expect to already have at home, lessening the impact on the environment and enlightening their understanding of what goes into the products they use on an everyday basis.

Urbatch is the second project from Spirit Hunter, which previously developed the Easy Distiller device that allows for the creation of spirits and essential oils using botanic ingredients, with a microwave-like simplicity. Inspired by the success of this creation, Spirit Hunter wants to expand its mission to enable the home crafting of more and more products, and place sustainability at the center of more and more communities.

Urbatch platform teaches you how to craft sustainable products at home [New Atlas]

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