Gender-Aware Billboards

CNET: Last year, we told you about billboards in development that could tell male faces from female faces and display ads accordingly. Well, such a system is now up and scanning visages in subway stations around Tokyo. A consortium of 11 railway companies has launched a one-year pilot project to test the signs, setting up 27 of the “Minority Report”-style […]

Easy Sonar Ruler

TrendCentral: Available for just 99 cents from iTunes, Laan Labs’ Sonar Ruler may be the answer to our laser measuring dreams. The app emits sound waves, from the iPhone’s speaker, which then bounce off wherever you point it back to the phone, finally offering a measurement which can be set in feet, inches, or meters. Should you download it, you […]

Tag Your World with StickyBits

Iconoculture: In a DIY twist on augmented reality tech, StickyBits gives consumers the power to transform their surrounding environment into their own multimedia markup playground. Think of it as virtual graffiti for the digital age. StickyBits uses vinyl barcode stickers and a mobile scanning app to tag social media content on top of real-world objects. StickyBits compatible smartphones simply scan […]

Virtual Bedtime Storytelling

A BookChat Experience on Readeo from Readeo on Vimeo. A BookChat is when two people share storytime through Readeo. In a BookChat, you’ll be able to see and hear each other as you read the book, and either party can turn pages and select books to read. Member Accounts have access to all of the books in the Readeo Library […]

Sleep Well

TrendCentral: Possibly the most gentle alarm clock on the market, this bio alarm clock app uses your iPhone’s accelerometer to monitor your sleep patterns. By simply placing your iPhone under your bottom sheet, the Sleep Cycle alarm clock monitors when you’re in your lightest sleep phase, thus making waking up less like a clonk on the head and more like […]

Where Technology is Heading

The major affluent tech markets are maturing, with sales getting more sluggish by the years. Undoubtedly, the new growth markets will be those of China, India, Thailand, Brazil, and so on. With the masses in such countries getting richer, a golden opportunity presents itself in the developing world for tech companies to cash in on the new big wave. Business […]