The Coke Phone

TrendBlog: Chinese designer Daizi Zheng recently created a concept mobile phone that runs off of Coca-Cola. The Chinese ex-pat, who new resides in London, designed the phone as a proof of concept for Nokia. It uses the soda’s sugar to create a “bio battery” that powers the phone for potentially three to four times longer than a traditional lithium battery. […]

Send an MMS Postcard!

You may have sent many postcards to your friends and loved ones before, but have you tried sending a custom MMS postcard? T-Mobile Austria has announced a new service giving T-Mobile customers the ability to send their personal MMS photo, including a message, as a postcard to friends and family from over 60 countries. Photos taken with an MMS-enabled mobile […]

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Whenever you need to know something, just SMS the Any Question Answered (AQA) service on 63336. Be it the times of last trains, weather reports for the London marathon, shirt numbers of Manchester United players, recommendations for birthday celebrations, next plane to New York, best odds offered in a horse race, details of film showing times, or which restaurant to […]