Self-Leveling Pool Table

Cruise ships are known for innovation. It takes quite a feat of engineering to make a complete world of leisure, especially a floating one. The constant rocking of a boat can upset many stomachs. On a massive cruise ship the effect is less felt. While the passengers may feel centered, however, light objects on board will continue to slide around. Enter, the self-leveling pool table. Cruise ships are fully stocked with a host leisurely activities. Naturally, billiards is high on the list. But if the pool table were simply bolted to the deck, the balls would roll like the sea.

How It Works

The pool table doesn’t react to the ships movement because it is suspended on a gyroscope.

A gyroscope is a device that was introduced in the early 1800s. A gyroscope is created when several circles are mounted inside each other on different axis. An outside force (the swaying of the ship) may move the outermost circle, but the motion will never transfer to center. Simply put, there are enough pivot points on the pool tables mounting that motion from the ship just won’t transfer. Gravity will keep the actual table sitting nice and level—just as it should be.

This table is on the Royal Caribbean’s “Radiance of the Seas” vessel, but all cruise lines offer equally innovative features to keep their landlubber passengers happy.

Idea Contributed by Danielle, thanks! All aspects of sea-worthy business from pool tables to portholes interest Danielle. You can read her salty tales of swindling at Danielle blogs on behalf of Sears and other brands she uses.

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