Remote Control for Lazy Viewers

Daily Mail: It sounds like the perfect invention for all those couch potatoes who find even using a remote control just a little too much like hard work.
Scientists have come up with a box that lets television viewers change channels, switch on the DVD player or switch off an irritating presenter with the wave of a hand. The controller’s built-in camera can recognise seven simple hand gestures and work with up to eight different gadgets around the home.
Not only will it be a godsend for lazy viewers, it could also save hours of fruitless scrabbling among the sofa in search of the remote control.
The all-seeing wave controller is the brainchild of Australian engineers Dr Prashan Premaratne and Quang Nguyen. They believe it could be on sale within three years, ending the frustration involved in finding and using remote controls.
Wave the TV remote control goodbye and change channel with a thumbs-up [Daily Mail]

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