It Pays to Save The Earth

Iconoculture: gives consumers a one-stop spot online to see how much juice their homes are using. The new service helps consumers monitor their home’s patterns, then pays them when they save energy.
Using the motto “Smart for Your Wallet. Smart for the World,” Earth Aid Enterprises also sells Earth Aid Kits for between $75 and $99. The kits include home energy savers such as CFLs, smart power strips and rechargeable batteries.
Earth Aid, who also have an iPhone application, was the winner of the New Venture Exchange contest at 2009’s Sustainable Brands conference.
Many wannabe-green consumers are first looking for ways to get a handle on what kind of impact they’re already having on the planet. When products offer both money savings and environmental savings, they’re a tantalizing option for homeowners who want to take control of the household. pays homeowners to reduce their energy use [Iconoculture]

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