Fun Training

illytraining.jpgCScout: Playful training engages your employees or customers in new and innovative ways. Who would dare to just stand in front of an audience and do nothing but talk? In our day it takes a little more to catch the short attention span of most listeners. People do not only grow up watching fast-cut shows, they start going to music classes before they even celebrated their first birthday, are on stage in elementary school and study in multi-media classrooms. By adding elements of interactivity and playfullness training sessions are revitalizing the rusty routines.
Billions are spent to establish a new product on the market, to win new target groups or just keep the market-share. But what about in-depth information, information your staff should know off-hand. The secret of having successful employees is to keep them interested. Companies might start to look for new ways to playfully train and educate their employees and even customers without the usual spiel.
Playful Training [CScout]

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