Frisper Freshkeeper

Cool Hunting: Bulky design, fussy mechanisms and the trickiness involved in resealing the bags offsets the glory of vacuum sealers’ ability to keep our precious Roquefort, pineapples, mushrooms and the like at their freshest. In steps Oliso’s Frisper Freshkeeper to the rescue. With its compact egg-shaped design, stupid simple operation and bags that open and reseal almost effortlessly, the Frisper solves all the problems of your grandma’s vacuum sealer and then some.
Its patent-pending technology makes sure that it works quickly and powerfully to suck the air out of the specially designed bags. Unlike other models that require alignment with the entire edge of the bag, the device seals along predesignated spots making it easy to position. The modification means that the Frisper is about a quarter of the size of other sealers, not much larger than a person’s hand—something that those of us who store their vacuum sealer in the basement, unused, are pretty stoked on. It’s great when reinvention improves on usability, but better yet when it makes it useful at all.
Oliso Frisper Vacuum Sealer [Cool Hunting]

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