Fastest Toothbrush?

It’s a recipe for success: take a mundane but essential daily task, then invent a way to do it better and in a fraction of the time. That’s exactly what the creators of the UNOBRUSH have done by completely reimagining the toothbrush.

On average we will spend nearly 30 hours each year standing in front of your mirror brushing our teeth. In a world where it seems almost every minute is accounted for, many of us would all agree that this time could be better spent on other things.

That’s where the Danish-designed UNOBRUSH comes in. Looking nothing like a traditional toothbrush, it uses an an ergonomic, patent-pending medical-grade sponge-like mouthpiece and pulsing sonic vibrations to clean all of your teeth simultaneously in just 6 seconds!

The ergonomic mouthpiece is designed to fit every type of mouth – you just bite down and it forms to every tooth, cleaning 99.9% of the surfaces and crevices on your teeth as well as protecting your gums.

Once you’re done you simply slot the UNOBRUSH into its docking station, which uses UV light to clean 99.9% of all germs.

Most current toothbrush technology will only clean between 40% to 80% of your mouth and most of us don’t or won’t adhere to dentist recommended brushing techniques. And with most modern diets which consist of processed foods which are harmful to our teeth and gums. We are fighting an uphill battle to achieve oral hygiene.

The UNOBRUSH will solve the majority of problems of regular toothbrushing, and save time! It seems that Kickstarter backers agree, with the UNOBRUSH having already surpassed its funding goals almost two weeks out from the end of the campaign.

The world’s smartest toothbrush cleans teeth in just 6 seconds [New Atlas]

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