Eat Without Your Sight

Entrepreneur Daily: Some food connoisseurs in Paris, London, Sydney and Beijing seem to think so. That’s right, the new trend in dining is to enjoy your meal without being able to see it. According to this New York Times article, the idea is that by depriving one’s sight, their other senses will be heightened. So how does this work? Some waiters wear night-vision goggles to lead customers to their seats, and at some of these restaurants, the wait-staff is actually blind. The first-ever pitch-black eatery, Blindekuh, meaning blind cow, opened in Zurich in 1999 with the sole purpose of creating jobs for the blind and handicapped.
The trend is already making its way to the U.S. on both coasts. In fact, it’s being tried out at several Los Angeles and Greenwich Village restaurants. Not to worry, dishes requiring sharp utensils are eliminated from these eateries. And the server will usually guide diners with helpful hints as to what they’re eating and how to eat it.
Does Food Taste Better in the Dark? [Entrepreneur Daily]

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