Dinnering at Home Like A Restaurant

Enjoy a night of fine dining without ever leaving the house

What’s not to love about going out to dinner? From ambiance and atmosphere to trying new cuisine and not having to hand-wash the dishes when it’s over, eating out is a chance to escape the daily grind and indulge in a little “me time.” While nothing can take the place of a dinner out at the best special occasion restaurant, it’s not that hard to create your own fine-dining experience without ever having to leave the house.

Plan the menu

Just like a restaurant, start with a good menu. While not necessary, you may want to pick a theme like the best Italian restaurant, then plan on serving perfectly cooked pasta and other Italian specialties.

Go to the store

After planning your menu, it’s time to shop. Make sure you get all the ingredients ahead of time at the grocery store. Since you’re swapping a dinner out for a dinner in, don’t be afraid to spend a little more on groceries worth the splurge, like real maple syrup or a good olive oil.

Prep the food ahead of time

Part of eating dinner out is not having to slave over a hot stove for hours, so use a few meal prep hacks that will save you tons of time. If you’re marinating meat, start the day before. It makes things easier and is also one of the best ways to cook cheap steaks. You can also chop onions and other ingredients ahead of time.

Create a special playlist

There’s nothing like music to help set the mood. Many of the best restaurants in America have specially curated playlists to help create the perfect atmosphere for guests and you should too.

Use your favorite table linens

Using tablecloths or placemats for meals is just one of many dining etiquette rules that should make a comeback and is essential if you want your dinner to have a true restaurant vibe. Some of the oldest restaurants use antique linens to create a sense of nostalgia. So, if you’ve got your grandmother’s tablecloth, put it out.

Break out the china

If you have it, your good china is probably gathering dust somewhere in a cabinet. Why let your best dinnerware go to waste? Unless you’re eating at a food court, it’s unlikely that your favorite restaurant is going to serve dinner on a paper plate and you shouldn’t either. Break the china out, give it a deep clean and enjoy using it.

Decorate the table with flowers

You don’t need to run out to your local grocery store or even leave the house to create a centerpiece for your dinner table. If you’ve got flowers growing in the garden, cut a few and put them in a glass or vase. No flowers? No problem, just be creative. Bunches of green leaves, candles, fresh fruit in a bowl or even a pile of books can all get the job done.

Print out menus

To really give it a restaurant feel, print out some menus and outline each course. Design your own or search online for inspiration. You can make it fun by adding food facts or trivia like how every state got its nickname.

Candles and lighting

According to a study by the Cornell Food and Brand Lab, diners enjoy food more in soft or dim lighting. It also suggests that dining in that relaxed environment can lead to greater satisfaction, which explains why even the most expensive restaurants on Earth keep the lights low. Dim the lights or use candles to set the mood. It doesn’t have to be fancy — putting a few votives on a plate will do the trick. Just make sure the candles are unscented.Dinner at Home Can Feel Like a Restaurant With These Tips [Dailymeal]

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