CoolBusinessIdeas Newsletter Issue 4

CoolBusinessIdeas Newsletter Issue 4 – July 4, 2004
New Business Ideas/Opportunities Featured In This Issue:
? Shop for Clothes at Home!
The days of driving into town, looking for a parking space, fighting with others for changing rooms, zipping in and out of new types of clothes, and eventually going home frustrated and empty-handed may be over thanks to Topshop To Go.
? How To Become a Global Retailer Instantly
Where can retail shops find inexpensive and effective advertising for selling their products globally? Well, the answer lies in the Internet landscape where a worldwide audience can be found.
? Stylish Media Racks!
Is your CD rack an eyesore? Are you having storage problems? If your answer is yes to any of the above question, then it is high time that you consider getting a rack that is stylish and space saving? such as the Mechanica media racks!
? Abre-Facil (“Easy Open”)
Don’t you just hate it when the task of opening a can is so painful? Or troublesome? Well, why not have a can that is easy to open, ensures freshness and what’s more: it can be reclosed to be stored or refrigerated for future use?

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