Solar-Powered Autoclave

While autoclaves are considered essential for sterilizing medical equipment in First World health care facilities, they’re often not available in developing nations where access to electricity is limited. A new solar-powered autoclave may be the answer to that problem. Autoclaves work by subjecting items to pressurized steam for at least 30 minutes, killing bacteria in the process. That steam comes […]

Sustainable “Living Ark” Hopes To Save Coral 

The Great Barrier Reef isn’t in the best of shape to say the least, so in an attempt to help secure the longterm future of its corals and other corals worldwide, Contreras Earl Architecture has unveiled what it calls the world’s first dedicated coral conservation center. Assuming all goes ahead as planned, the building will boast energy-efficient features and will […]

Leather Alternatives 

To highlight sustainable and ethical substitutes for animal leather we’ve rounded up six materials that can rival its textural and performance qualities, from vegan pineapple leather to a leather alternative made of seafood shells. Leather and fur have long epitomised luxury in the worlds of fashion, accessories and furniture. But recently, popular opinion has started to shift with growing awareness […]