Smart Water Bottle

Pure, clean, filtered, UVC-sterilized water everywhere you go, without resorting to disposable plastic bottles. That’s the promise of WAATR, a personal water bottle that takes your health and safety to the next level. Disposable bottles are an environmental nightmare – and a difficult expense to justify given that taps and drinking fountains are generally easy to find. With WAATR, you […]

Auto Deploying Airbag

While most bicycle commuting backpacks simply allow cyclists to carry their stuff, EVOC Sports’ newest model offers a little something extra. In the event of an accident, an airbag pops out of it to protect the rider’s upper body. Known as the Commute Air Pro 18, the recycled-polyester pack looks pretty normal in its “non-deployed” state. Along with a main […]

Carbon Nanotube Thread Acts As Heart Rate Monitor

Over the years, we’ve seen many examples of smart garments packed with technology to monitor different aspects of a wearer’s physical wellbeing, but lately we’re seeing how very fine, conductive fibers could make for a more seamless experience. Rice University researchers have applied this thinking to a “smart” shirt that uses interwoven carbon nanotube fibers to provide steady electrical contact […]

Cargo Dropping Deliver System

It was just last year that we heard about A2Z Drone Delivery’s RDS1 system, which lets third-party delivery drones drop cargo to customers on a long tether. Well, the technology has now been incorporated into a custom-designed multicopter drone. To recap our previous coverage, the initial RDS1 (Rapid Delivery System 1) kit consists of a motorized reel of Kevlar cord, […]

Modular Guitar

Back in 2018, Ian Reddick unveiled the Mercury Modular Guitar, which could be broken down into numerous components and packed into a small suitcase for travel. Now he’s back with a pro guitar where you can swap out pickup blocks on-the-fly. There are two main modular options for the Voyager guitar. First, you can reach around back and pull out […]

Hydration Pack Bag

Hydration packs are great for keeping a water supply close at hand when you’re out biking or running, but … you might feel kind of funny wearing one on your daily urban commute. That’s where the Danú Bag comes in, as it’s designed to look like a regular backpack. Created by Colorado-based entrepreneur Aubree Holly, the Danú features a waterproof […]

Gesture-Tracking , Car Detecting Helmet

  Although there are now a variety of turn-indicator-equipped bike helmets, cyclists still ought to also use traditional arm signals. That’s where the Classon helmet comes in, as its indicator LEDs are trigged by the rider’s arm gestures – plus it warns of cars approaching from behind. When we last heard about the Classon, it was the subject of a […]

Utility Knife Turns Into Scraper

The tried and true form factor of a utility knife is one many will be familiar with, but toolmaker ToughBuilt has just introduced one with a very handy trick up its sleeve. The handtool carries a switchblade-like design but rather than concealing the sharp edge, a push of a button sees it flip 90 degrees to instantaneously turn into a […]

Self-Curing Resin Results In Tougher Bicycle Helmet

Bike helmets work by absorbing impact energy that would otherwise be passed through to the wearer’s head. An experimental new helmet is claimed to do so better than conventional models, thanks to a special resin. With a few notable exceptions, bicycle helmets typically consist of an outer plastic shell that dissipates impact energy by cracking, along with an underlying expanded […]