Cars Getting More And More High-Tech

Indeed, manufacturers are adding so many high-tech functions and features to cars that greatly enhance the driving experience. Nowadays, you can check your e-mail, surf the Web, watch television and videos, and do so much more, all from the comfort of your driver’s seat. Japan’s Toyota even has an “Intelligent Parking Assist” feature, available on the hybrid gas-electric Prius model sold in Japan.

This device automatically parks the car, maneuvering the Prius backward and into the space. To activate it, the driver first pulls alongside the forward vehicle, then drags a picture of a flag marker and parking triangle on the car’s touchscreen display, until they are positioned where the vehicle should wind up.

You can be sure that it’s a smart move to align cars with technology used in homes and offices.
Three Amazing Things Your Automobile Can’t Do [New York Times]
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