Can This Wareable Keep You Less Stress?

You’d be forgiven for assuming that wearable tech is all about fitness trackers to help shed the pounds and keep you on track to reach your fitness goals.

We’ve seen a steady rise in tech aimed at keeping our minds in shape, just as much as our bodies. Stress tracking is one of the most wanted features from wearable tech, while major players like Apple and Fitbit are even getting in on the calming act.

There’s been little conclusive research to date into the benefits of strapping tech to ourselves to keep us more calm, more grounded and more focused. But we’ve collected together some of the most interesting devices that claim to be built for your brain, some of which are available now, others that are coming soon.

Apple’s third generation smartwatch continues its sporty incline and adds some handy cellular connectivity, but it’s not all about tracking your runs and swims without your iPhone being present.

First introduced through watchOS 3, Apple introduced the Breathe app, with the goal of helping you to relax by focusing on your breathing. Using the Watch’s taptic engine, you can pick from one or five minute sessions. A series of small vibrating buzzes will replicate a more calming breathing rhythm as you follow the instructions on the Watch display. It will also monitor heart rate to add to your breathing session data.

Stress-beating tech to keep you sane [Wareable]

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