Big Mosquito Trap

Uber-Review: If you hate getting bitten by mosquitoes (and let’s face it, who doesn’t?) then you might want to check out this Four Attractant Mosquito Trap from Hammacher Schlemmer.

The 17-pound trap allegedly packs enough punch to keep an acre of land more or less mosquito free – by drawing them in and then killing them. It is the drawing them in part that is interesting: first it uses an LED light that oscillates at a frequency that is said to be irresistible to mosquitoes; on top of that it emits vibrations that they are also said to be partial to, then there is infrared heat that simulates human body temperature. The fourth attractant is a chemical compound found in human breath and sweat called octenol.

Long story short, the four attractants draw the mosquitoes in – then they get sucked up by a fan and dehydrated to death.

Four Attractant Mosquito Trap Can Help Keep Bitey Insects at Bay [Uber-Review]

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