Be Fit or Pay

Iconoculture: Americans are apparently a determinedly unhealthy lot. Despite nudging, hinting and suggesting that we eat healthier and exercise more, up to 70% of illnesses are lifestyle-related. BeniComp Advantage health insurance company seeks to lower healthcare costs by reducing the number of claims, figuring that if their members take responsibility for their health, they won’t go to the doctor as often.
BeniComp Advantage has high premiums that can be reduced by adhering to health guidelines in four areas: body mass index, cholesterol, blood pressure and tobacco non-use. Members earn a $500 premium reduction for each area in which they meet the guidelines.
This plan is designed to save employers money, encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own healthy lifestyle choices, and put the burden of healthcare cost on those who do not meet health guidelines.
Some people can’t take a hint, so health insurance companies are trying tough love. The pocketbook has always been a highly motivational pressure point for consumers.
Willingly or not, consumers are educating themselves about their health and taking responsibility for maintaining it. Prevention is ever more important, since doctor visits, even for those with insurance, can be spendy. To that end, consumers appreciate accurate information about how to maintain health and convenient ways to incorporate changes into their lifestyles.
BeniComp Advantage encourages members to be fit or pay [Iconoculture]

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