The Ultimate Guide to Recession-Proof Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, navigating the fluctuating economic landscape presents both opportunities and challenges. During periods of economic prosperity, innovative ideas have the potential to accelerate a startup’s trajectory toward success. Conversely, in the face of a recession, these ambitious projects may falter due to decreased consumer spending and heightened financial uncertainties. This blog is designed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with a […]

Magorium Recycled Roads

A company named Magorium has developed a way to use recycled plastic waste in road construction. Their product, called NEWBitumen, is a substitute for bitumen, a substance traditionally used in road building. NEWBitumen is made from non-recyclable plastic waste that would otherwise be landfilled. The plastic is broken down and transformed into a material similar to bitumen. This process also […]

WaveRoller Wave Energy Converter

A Finnish company, AW-Energy, has developed a wave energy converter called WaveRoller. WaveRoller devices capture the energy from ocean waves and convert it into electricity. These devices are submerged near the shore and linked to the power grid through underwater cables. The company is presently collaborating with clients on the development of projects.

Sick of Google? 5 Search Engine Alternatives to Try in 2024

While Google remains dominant in the search engine market, several alternative search engines offer unique features, privacy-focused options, and specialized search capabilities when researching questions like “Can bunion cause leg pain?” If you want to diversify your online search experience, here are some notable alternatives to Google. 1. DuckDuckGo DuckDuckGo has gained popularity for its strong emphasis on user privacy. […]