“Smart” Face Mask

As most of us have noticed over the past couple of years, face masks can sometimes be a hindrance – necessary though they are. An experimental new mask, though, automatically becomes easier to breathe through when maximum air filtration isn’t required. Designed by a team of Korean scientists, the prototype mask incorporates two porous filter membranes – one on either […]

Cercle Touring Bike Chair

Camper vans (aka caravans) don’t just carry your gear – they also serve as a shelter when you stop. So, why don’t touring bicycles do likewise? Well, the prototype Cercle bike does just that. Inventor Bernhard Sobotta initially came up with the idea when he was an Industrial Design student at Austria’s FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences. Motivated by […]

Bluetooth Open-Air Headphones

A great pair of headphones that delivers quality performance without making a dent in your wallet can be hard to find. Cue in the Mu6 Ring: Open-Air Bluetooth Headphones, now an additional 15% off with code VIP15 for our limited-time VIP Sale. Making versatility a priority, the Mu6 Ring is the perfect headphone to take anywhere you go. With their impressive […]

Tips To Prevent Jet Lag

We’re completely obsessed with traveling, but jet lag can really take away from an awesome trip. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of natural jet lag prevention tips, so you can enjoy vacay, without feeling tired or rundown as soon as you arrive. Bon voyage! Stay hydrated This may sound obvious, but make sure to drink water before, during, and […]

Benefits of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

For centuries, people have looked to aloe vera for its bountiful healing properties. The outside of these tropical succulents might be spiky and unfriendly-looking, but the gooey, gelatinous inside of the aloe vera leaf is good for more than just soothing summer sunburn. Mildly flavored, though remarkably viscous, the many benefits of drinking aloe vera are most often found when […]

World’s First 3D Printed Bridge

MX3D has finally realized its ambitious plan to install what’s described as the world’s first 3D-printed steel bridge over a canal in Amsterdam. The Queen of the Netherlands has officially opened the bridge to the public and, as well as an eye-catching design, it features hidden sensors that are collecting data on its structural integrity, crowd behavior, and more. The […]

Airbus’ Return to eVTOL Air Taxi

Airbus has been quiet on the eVTOL front since its original CityAirbus multirotor and Vahanaprograms shut down, but at its “Pioneering Sustainable Airspace” summit, the company released details and images of a new electric air taxi it expects to get certified by 2025 – a clean-sheet design with a surprisingly humble set of capabilities. The new “NextGen” design is very […]

Collapsible Steel Camping Pot

In an effort to prove convenience doesn’t have to come at the cost of sturdiness and longevity, startup SimpleReal has taken to Kickstarter with a stainless steel solution for camp cooking that collapses into a thin disc for transport. This might make it an appealing option for space-conscious explorers who enjoy a hot meal at camp, and don’t mind a […]

E Scooter With Collision Warning System

Oakland-based electric mobility firm Unagi has teamed up with acclaimed industrial designer Yves Behar for a smooth-looking, full-suspension e-kickscoot with AI smarts that warn riders of possible collisions with people or objects. Unagi rode into the electric micromobility space in 2018 with the launch of the unashamedly stylish Scooter on Kickstarter. And the company has launched another crowdfunding effort, this […]