Inflatable Light Tube For RV Camping

Utah-based outdoor gear company Klymit got its start with gas-insulated inflatable clothingover a decade ago. It has since sold off that part of the business, but inflatable design remains a cornerstone of its lineup. The new Everglow Light Tube extends that design to a category of hardware you’d probably never think of inflating: camp lighting. The LED tube takes advantage […]

Vaulted Roof Lights Direct Daylight Into Plywood

Architecture studio Bradley Van Der Straeten has renovated and extended a Georgian house in north London, adding four brick volumes containing new spaces including a dining area topped with vaulted roof lights. The client asked the studio headed by George Bradley and Ewald Van Der Straeten to reorganise and expand the living spaces of the end-of-terrace house in the De Beauvoir […]

Drones Eradicating Rat Invaders

Visitors to the Galapagos Islands learn about the island’s fragile ecosystem and the need to protect the lives of its endemic animals. But not every animal life is sacrosanct on these islands just 600 miles off Ecuador’s west coast. Certain rodents that start with pointy snouts and end with skinny, sparsely-haired tails are not welcome. Now, thanks to drone technology, rats have […]

Venturi Electric Polar Vehicle

With a princely heritage and sub-zero ambitions, the all-electric Venturi Antarctica has been slowly evolving for more than a decade, preparing to tackle the extreme weather and terrain of the Antarctic continent. The snow-and-ice-hungry all-terrain mini-tank enters its third iteration this month as it prepares to embark on a grand Antarctic mission in December. The latest version gains a new […]

Spinal Implant Designed To Tackle Severe Pain

By targeting the same mechanisms through which epidural anesthesia controls pain during child birth, engineers at the University of Cambridge have demonstrated a new medical implant that could offer relief from other types of severe pain. Administered with a needle and inflated like a tiny air mattress once in position, the device works by subjecting the spinal cord to mild […]

How to improve your social media advertising results

Social media is largely regarded as one of the best ways for companies to reach their audiences, and for good reason. Social media offers both free and paid ways to advertise, along with options for targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach specific groups or segments. However, these many options can make it easy for businesses to spend […]

Graying Hair Is Reversible?

History is littered with anecdotal evidence of the relationship between stress and graying hair, from Marie Antionette’s overnight transformation following her capture, to US presidents taking on more salt than pepper during their tenure. A new study has produced first-of-a-kind scientific evidence of this connection, identifying proteins in human hairs that seem to drive this process, while also demonstrating how […]

Harnessing The Power Of Buoyancy

The Sun doesn’t always shine exactly when you want to boil a kettle; the more we rely on renewable energy, the more energy storage we’ll need. You can store your excess electricity by using it to pump water up a hill. You can use it to compress air, or to spin up a giant flywheel, or lift a huge concrete […]

Smart Carpet

Engineers at MIT’s CSAIL have developed a smart carpet that can accurately estimate a person’s movements or body pose without needing cameras. The system could be useful for exercise feedback, monitoring falls, or tracking for VR and gaming. The prototype mat measures 36 ft2 (3.3 m2), and packs over 9,000 sensors made up of a pressure-sensitive film and conductive thread. […]