Pupple’s Pet Entertainment

We’ve been seeing quite a few products lately that are designed to entertain dogs who are at home alone – some of them have been stationary devices, while other have been mobile. The currently-crowdfunding Pupple, however, combines both in one system. The mobile component of Pupple is a Wi-Fi-controlled motorized ball known as the Bird. Utilizing an iOS/Android app, users […]

Renewable Energy Cars?

Cars aren’t the most eco-friendly option for getting around but Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors are trying to change that. The two companies jointly announced that starting next year they’ll begin installing electricity-generating solar panels on select vehicles, along with supporting internal combustion, hybrid and battery electric vehicles with additional electrical power. “In the future, we expect to see many […]

Turning Turkey Poop Into Fuel

While most families gather around the dinner table this time of year to eat turkey and give thanks, a team of scientists are doing something a little different with the bird — they’re turning its poop into fuel. NPR reports a team at Ben-Gurion University in Israel has been working to figure out ways to transform waste to resources, and […]

A Secondhand Shopping Mall?

“I think it’s fun to find something that people have used, and we can use further,” said Cato Limas, a ReTuna customer. “If you look at the things they’re selling here, they’re almost new. So actually, why bother buying new stuff?” During their first visit to the secondhand mall, Limas and his girlfriend spent about $7 and came away with a […]