Body Pillow Which Helps To Regulate Temperature

This is the body pillow that helps prevents overheating and chills when sleeping. Using technology originally developed for NASA, the pillow is imbedded with millions of invisible microcapsules that absorb excess heat when one is hot and release the stored heat when one is cold, ensuring a comfortable temperature throughout the night. The Temperature Regulating Body Pillow [7 Gadgets] 

Control Your Hand Tremors During Meal Time With This

For most people, meal time is something to look forward to. But for the millions of people with hand tremors and irregular hand movements caused by Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, spinal cord injuries, or just old age, using utensils can turn an enjoyable meal into a frustrating experience. Liftware hopes to resolve that frustration. The company’s two products, Liftware Steady and […]

Flood Proof Towers For NYC

According to climate change reports, New York City’s sea level will rise about 11 to 30 inches by 2050. Unfortunately, many of the current designs in NYC may not be able to handle the change. Given that New York is  home to over 8 million people and is growing in population every year, this is a serious issue for architects to […]

Generating Wind Power From Trains

We can harness the power of wind in a field or on the ocean – but what about in drafty train tunnels? 27-year-old Charlotte Slingsby’s startup Moya Power seeks to generate electricity by capturing wind in existing infrastructure, Wired reported. The company employs a lightweight sheeting material to harvest low grade wind power. They have a pilot project underway on the London Crossrail. Slingsby pioneered Moya Power as part of […]

Touchless Hand Dryer

This is the automatic hand dryer that helps reduce cross-contamination in a kitchen or the spread of germs in a bathroom. It can be placed on a counter or mounted to a wall and hygienically dries hands in as little as 15 seconds using an integrated fan and heating element. Its fan and heater can be used simultaneously or individually […]

Correct Your Posture With This Shirt

This is the fitted shirt clinically proven to promote good posture as well as relieve pain in the back and shoulders. The anatomical construction is reinforced with neuroband tension panels that activate and stimulate specific muscle groups to keep the body upright; the resulting controlled resistance increases core strength while supporting correct alignment of the spine. The shirt can be […]

Charge Your Devices By Placing Them Into This Bag

Charging your devices on the go could be as easy as putting them in your backpack. Dutch designer Pauline van Dongen has conceptualized and created a new pack that incorporates minuscule solar power beads, simplifying the recharging of smartphones tablets and other devices using the energy of the sun and a built-in cable. Called the Radius backpack, this handy bag features a strap that incorporates […]

Filter Made From Soybean Makes Water Drinkable Again

Imagine if you could create clean water from any source – no matter how dirty – in just one step. Australian scientists have managed to do just that with a new filter made from soybean-based graphene film. It’s so effective that it can make even the filthiest water drinkable – and it’s simpler, cheaper and more environmentally-friendly than other methods out there.  The filter, […]