Exercise with Virtual Pet

Wokamon combines the function of a pedometer with the engagement of a virtual pet. The more you move, the more your pet grows. The Wokamon, short for Walking Monsters, feed off users’ burnt calories and turn them into happiness. Users can check the daily progress of their Wokamon, which level-up as users exercise more.

Vertical Garden Art

You’ve seen vertical gardens, wall planters before but this is next level stuff. Art We Heart makes unique wall art using plants and moss. From trendy symbols like @ and # to cities like LA and NY, each piece is hand made in Los Angeles, turning plants into a new form of wall art. They even do custom orders. Plant Wall Art […]

Single-serve Resealable Wine Pouch

Nuvino is a radical departure in winemaking. Curated from four internationally renowned wine regions, Nuvino single-serve pouches can be enjoyed anywhere at anytime. The lightweight, unbreakable pouch requires no corkscrew to open and is ideal for use anywhere bulky, heavy glass containers are undesirable. Bring Nuvino outdoors, to the beach or to a concert under the stars. One glass at […]

Vessyl Smart Cup

After seven years of development, engineer Justin Lee created Vessyl, a smart cup that helps people master their health by tracking their liquid intake. The cup has sensors built into the walls that measure the amount of liquid consumed and identify contents so Vessyl can break down things like calories, sugar, protein, and caffeine content via molecular analysis. The information is […]

High Rise Lettuce

A former Sony Corporation semiconductor factory in Japan has been converted into the world’s largest indoor farm. Japanese plant physiologist Shigeharu Shimamura, CEO of Mirai Co., partnered with GE Japan to make his dream of a water, space and energy efficient indoor farming system a reality. Despite having only started production a year ago, the farm is already shipping out […]

Wireless-Charging Trousers

Ever wondered how cool it would be if you could charge up your mobile phone by simply placing it in your pocket? Well now you can! British designer, A. Sauvage, has created the first ever pair of wireless charging trousers for London Collections: ‘Modern Man’. The technology (known as inductive charging) comes from the new Nokia DC-50 wireless charging plate for Lumia […]

Cat in Fish Tank

I’m always on the lookout for stylish pet furniture, and this cat house is quite a looker. Made from birch wood, it is open-aired and light. I also like the humorous aspect of it – a cat furniture piece that looks like a big fish. Restores the power balance in the pet hierarchy. The piece is designed by Korean designer Sang […]

Shock Therapy Wearable Band

The Pavlok wristband wants to do more than show you your daily habits — it wants to shock you into changing them. Unlike other wristbands that try to keep you in shape, Pavlok is more focused on changing your underlying habits. The bracelet and its accompanying app of the same name use a combination of negative and positive reinforcement to train your […]

Clubbing Dance Fitness Exercise

Pop-up fitness party Clubbercise is geared towards those who prefer a night out to a date with the gym. The British exercise franchise was dreamt up by three friends frustrated that fitness parties didn’t play the music they love: ’90s club anthems that fill the floor all night. The class recreates the feel-good, high-energy club atmosphere with a darkened room, […]