Five of the Best Office Gadgets

Gadget boffins are always cooking up new ways to make life less of a struggle and thankfully, these are beginning to make their way into the business world. Every office will welcome a little extra convenience here and there, especially when they are as eye-catching as the following tech goodies. Here, to bring us out of our Monday morning funk, […]

Solid Cologne

For as long as one can remember perfumers have bottled their concoctions of scent inside ever more elaborate vessels. Some perfume bottles are artful abstractions of fantasy, others literal sculptural representations of the scent container within. American men’s cologne crafters, Fulton & Roark have taken a more modern, minimal, and travel-friendly direction, with a rugged and compact grooming product for […]

Assembled With One Allen Wrench

Dan Gestoso Rivers‘ Boske bike is a beautiful wood cycle inspired by the design of IKEA‘s flat-pack kit furniture. The bike’s frame is made from curved laminated wood, and the mechanical pieces (such as the front fork and the seat base) are made of aluminum extracted from recycled cans. The whole bike can be easily assembled using one Allen wrench, […]

All In One Mobile and Computing

Owning a number of different devices can often mean having to regularly transfer data between them to keep them synced, or storing private information in the cloud. Offering a truly connected alternative, Seed is a set of mobile and computer products that use the processing power and data of a single docked smartphone. Designed by South Africa-based computer engineering student Nick Rout, […]

SlingsHOT Cup

There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea to bring peace and relaxation. There is one minor annoyance though – getting every inch of tasty tea out of that tea bag, and well, getting rid of it. The Tea Cup SlingsHOT by Samir Sufi solves both those problems at once. It has a little funnel for you to squeeze every […]

Games and Pies at GameHäus

Board games and pie might sound like a family night from the 1950s, but GameHäus serves up the combo in a hip new venue in Glendale, California. The lack of options for public playing space in Los Angeles gave birth to the idea, which was funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign. The owners, who met through a board gaming Meetup […]

Made For Your Child

Steps chair by Norwegian company Stokke is designed to adapt to the child’s growth, step by step (hence the name). This modular system will accomodate a baby of 3 to 10 years of age. It can be transformed from a bouncer into a child’s char and everything in between. The piece is made from solid beechwood and PPC-PA, it comes in […]

Electric-powered Drift Trike

Since originating in New Zealand in 2009, the sport of trike drifting has slowly but surely spread to hilly regions all around the globe. From the United States to Puerto Rico, adrenaline junkies are mounting customized three-wheeled machines to drift and spin their way along switchbacks and steep downhill descents. Now, Arizona-based Local Motors has developed an electric-powered drift trike […]