Greeting Gift Box

Greetabl is a greeting card and a gift box all in one; you can fit little gifts such as candy, nail polish, jewelry, and even gift cards inside of your handwritten message. What it really is, though, is an experience–a fun and memorable way to connect with the important people in your life. Greetabl complements all types of gifts, from the […]

Grey Fleet Management: The Basics

A grey fleet car is a vehicle that belongs to an employee and is used for business purposes. A grey vehicle has been purchased with an employee’s own money but is reimbursed on a pence per mile basis. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that there are around four million grey fleet cars in the UK, three times more than the […]

Stealth Kitchen

When you live in a closet-sized city apartment, it’s no fun to cook in a teeny, tiny cramped kitchen. But a kitchen completely hidden behind lovely wood cabinets when not in use? That’s kind of ingenious. Stealth Kitchen is the latest creation of Resource Furniture, the same folks behind many of the designs in the tiny, transforming apartment Gizmodo visited […]