Street Store For the Homeless

South Africa’s Street Store doesn’t just help to clothe the homeless, but also gives them the retail experience of choosing their own wares. With the idea to give the homeless the same dignity as customers who can pay, The Street Store sets up their pop up cardboard shops around Cape Town, inviting customers in need to peruse at their will. […]

Scan and Fax 3D Objects

Wouldn’t it be great to buy a 3D printer, take it out of the box, plug it in, and be able to use it right away, the same way you would with any other piece of consumer electronics such as computers and TVs? Just as 2D printers naturally evolved to incorporate more functions into one device, AIO Robotics sets out to […]

Pint Size Sleeping Bag

The Spark is an ultra light bag with several key uses with one of the best warmth for weight minimalist sleeping bags available. Its balance of size, weight and warmth make it excellent as a summer sleeping bag, especially for weight and space conscious cycle tourers and ultra light walkers. Its size and warmth rating works well as a liner bag, […]

3D Printed Pizza

Snacking on a freshly-made pizza in outer space just got a whole lot closer thanks to Anjan Contractor’s 3D pizza printer. Contractor, who won NASA’s US$125,000 grant last year to create a 3D printer that could print food for astronauts on missions, has come out with a functional prototype. The prototype prints the blocky pizza out in layers, as demonstrated […]

Free Report: Trendy Business Ideas 2013

The free 36-pages PDF ebook (worth $38), Trendy Business Ideas 2013 Report, is CBI’s latest business ideas and innovations report. The world is changing and evolving quickly. You can’t afford to play catch-up. As an aspiring entrepreneur and business owner, you’ve got to be ahead of the competition. You have to be keenly aware of the major business ideas, news and […]