Strawberry-Picking Robot

What could be more blissful than lying back on your picnic blanket while a robot picks perfectly ripe strawberries for you? Yes, we all share this arcadian dream. Sadly, it comes with a $50,000 price tag. That’s roughly how much a new strawberry-picking robot will cost when it goes on sale in Japan early next year, so start saving now. Developed in part […]

One Lens, Many Frames

While it’s easy to change tops, pants, or shoes depending on the situation, the status quo for glasses is to have one pair of frames for everything. As glasses wearers ourselves, we should have the same choice with eyewear as we have for every other piece of attire. So here we are today with the world’s first interchangeable prescription frame […]

Tab Easy Bookmark

Tab is a simple and elegant bookmark that once installed, keeps your place as you turn the page. Never again will you have to worry about losing your page when you put your book down, and never again will you have to fold over a page to mark your spot. The ends of Tab adhere to the first and last pages […]